Puppy Process

Australian Labradoodles are different from all other Labradoodles.


 The Australian Dogs are known as '' multi-generational'' Labradoodles. The Australian Labradoodle was bred with a vision to Create a dog who was born and bred to assist sick and disabled people, particularly those who suffered from dog related allergies. AUSTRALIAN LABRADOODLES are the ONLY breed/ bloodline of dog that has EVER been specifically bred for a remarkable temperament in order to be an OUTSTANDING THERAPY DOG. THIS MEANS they have been bred to have NO AGGRESSIVE TENDENCIES  towards Humans , CHILDREN, Strangers, or Other ANIMALS. ITS your responsibility to keep them safe from other dogs and various wild animals that may or could attack them. Dogs have a natural drive called a PREY DRIVE. This Drive helps the dogs hunt prey as well as fight and defend itself. AUSTRALIAN LABRADOODLES have been bred specifically to NOT have a Prey Drive this is why they are so incredibly docile. On top of having the prey drive bred out of them ( which took many generations) they have also been bred to SEEK HUMAN ATTENTION. They want to seek human, be by human, and typically want attention. They live for your attention. THIS breed is good with children, good with strangers, good with elderly, good with other animals and want to be your Companion. YES!! ITS IN THE BLOOD


AUSTRALIAN LABRADOODLES ARE VERY DIFFERENT FROM TYPICAL LABRADOODLES  ( American line) because typical Labradoodles were just simply bred for non-shedding Labradors. Americans love the Labradors but got tired of the shedding. Labradors are hunting dogs, have been for years and so have a Prey Drive, Poodles are also water fowl retrieving Bird dogs also having a Prey Drive.  Both breeds are known to have good temperaments ( unlike the Doberman Pinchers, Rottweilers, Cane Corso, German Shepherds with HIGH PREY DRIVE ) but it varies on what pup you got, some pups would come out with more energy or more prey drive since they serve a hunting dog background. American Labradoodles were NOT selectively Bred for a specific TEMPERAMENT, or with a Vision for use as a Therapy dog. So this makes a massive difference between AUSTRALIAN LABRDOODLES and American Labradoodles.   


 BEVERLY MANNERS Vision was to create the perfect THERAPY DOG and took many years and many generations of dogs to create just that, AND SHE NAILED IT!!! In the late 1980's Rutland Manor and Teagan Park, the two founders of the Australian Labradoodles as we know them today, began carefully infusing several other breeds into early generations of their lab/poodle crosses, to improve temperament, coat, confirmation, and size. The infused breeds include Irish Water Spaniel as well as the English Cocker Spaniel. The resulting Labradoodles subsequently have been bred to each other continuing the multi-generational tradition. Please see http://www.rutlandmanor.com/-impossible-dream.html for more info. This sight is a wealth of information , All ENGLISH MANOR LABRADOODLES are Authentic Australian coming only from the lineage of Rutland Manor. There are other breeds than just LAB/POODLE that have gone into the molding and shaping of this breed.

Today, Australian Labradoodles are wonderful, intelligent dogs with lush coats that are non- shedding and allergy friendly and more dominate in those traits than other types of Labradoodles such as first generation Lab/Poodle crosses Since again those traits were regarded as essential aspects of what this whole mission was about, A HYPO-ALLERGENIC COMPLETLY NON-SHEDDING DOG WITH A PERFECT TEMPERAMENT FOR WORK AS A THERAPY DOG.  Even when the other types of Labradoodle are bred for generations, the result is not an Australian Labradoodle as the attributes of the infused breeds were not included in their ancestry. We have had many people with dog allergies purchase dogs from us and have had no adverse reactions to our dogs.  973-697-8896
